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pregnant woman

How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unintended Pregnancy

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be taxing at times. Add in an unintended pregnancy, and you’ve got instant anxiety.  However, with a little preparation and planning, you can confidently embrace this season of life while enjoying all the holidays have to offer.  Make a Plan Have you shared your pregnancy news

pregnant woman curious about pregnancy symptoms

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Knowing there’s a chance you might be pregnant can make you focused on every little symptom. Missing your period is the most common sign of early pregnancy, but other symptoms can also point to pregnancy.  Below is an overview of the top 7 pregnancy symptoms and why they occur.  Missing Your Period As mentioned above,

woman experiencing early pregnancy symptoms

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms? 

Wondering if you might be pregnant? If you’re sexually active and haven’t gone through menopause, there’s a chance you could be pregnant.  Here are the most commonly reported signs of an early pregnancy to consider.  Missed Period Missing your period can indicate a potential pregnancy. But if you have irregular cycles, you may not actually

woman considering abortion

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Wondering if you might be pregnant? If you’re sexually active and haven’t gone through menopause, there’s a chance you could be pregnant.  Here are the most commonly reported signs of an early pregnancy to consider.  Missed Period Missing your monthly period is a classic sign of pregnancy. But, if your cycles are spotty or irregular,

woman considering abortion

I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Are you experiencing an unexpected pregnancy? Rates of accidental pregnancies are on the rise, so know you are not alone in this struggle.  Women who don’t wish to continue their pregnancy have options: abortion, adoption, safe surrender, or parenting.  Take a few minutes to explore these options below and see which one suits your situation

pregnant woman

How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Abortion is a big decision, and although some women feel relief after the procedure, others struggle emotionally and develop long-term mental health issues.  If you’ve had an abortion and are having difficulty coping, know there is hope. Many resources, including your local pregnancy clinic, have post-abortion recovery services to help you during this journey.  What

woman considering abortion

3 Things You Should Know if You Are Considering Abortion

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming, and sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do next. However, if you’re considering abortion, there are three necessary steps to protect your health and safety. These three steps are understanding the facts, getting an ultrasound, and reviewing your medical situation. Read on to learn more about these

pregnant woman

Post Abortion Awareness?

Are you planning to have an abortion? Many women know they don’t want to be pregnant anymore but give little thought to how an abortion may impact their mental and physical health.  Learning about the side effects of abortion can help you have a better recovery. Here’s a snapshot of what you might experience so

woman considering adoption

Is Adoption Right for Me?

Staring at a positive pregnancy test can be terrifying. You might feel like your plans and dreams are all about to disappear. Exploring all the options is essential if you’re looking for the right solution to your unexpected pregnancy.  If you know you aren’t ready to become a mom, adoption is an option that may

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Are you recovering from an abortion or considering the risks of the procedure? If you’ve recently had an abortion and suspect you might be suffering from a complication, read on to learn what an incomplete abortion is and the signs to watch out for.  What Is An Incomplete Abortion? An incomplete abortion occurs when some

Know my status.
Know my options.


I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options? 

Women who have had an abortion in the past may desire another option when navigating another unintended pregnancy. If this is your experience, your feelings are valid.  Below you can explore alternatives to abortion and learn how to find support for a healthy pregnancy.  Parenting Parenting may not have been your first thought, but it

Why Should I Get An Ultrasound?

Pregnant women are encouraged to have an ultrasound as part of standard care, and for good reason. The information ultrasounds provide can keep women safe and help determine what pregnancy options are available. If you have recently received a positive pregnancy test, getting an ultrasound should be your next step—and here’s why.  What Is An

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School? 

First, take a deep breath. You can do hard things! An unintended pregnancy can seem like the end of the world; especially if you’re still trying to finish high school. But take heart, you can handle this unexpected event with success. Just focus on one day at a time.  Below are tips on how to