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Sharing the news of an unintended pregnancy with your boyfriend and family can be complex. How will they react? How do you begin the conversation?

A little preparation can really ease your nerves and make sharing your pregnancy news more enjoyable. Below, you’ll find a few ideas on how to break the news gently to your partner and loved ones. 

First, Verify Your Pregnancy 

Did you know about 10-20% of all pregnancies will spontaneously end in miscarriage? Even if you had a positive home pregnancy test, getting a medical grade test completed for verification you’re still pregnant is advised. 

Be sure you have news to share before jumping into planning mode. 

Don’t Rush Yourself

While an unintended pregnancy is not uncommon, the news may still be devastating to some. Taking some time to digest your pregnancy news alone can be beneficial and allow your emotions to settle. 

Don’t put yourself in a time constraint. Pregnancy is big news and taking one day at a time can protect your peace. 

Choose the Right Time 

Telling your boyfriend about this pregnancy may be shocking news to him. Because it’s an important conversation, choose a time when he’s not in a hurry or preoccupied with another task. Prepare him by saying something like, “Hey, I have some important news to share. Do you have a minute?” 

Timing is crucial for sharing your news with family as well. While it may be stressful to start the conversation, don’t put it off. Your family can be your greatest system of support for what lies ahead. 

Take the Necessary Precautions

As mentioned above, an unintended pregnancy can bring on some intense emotions. While every woman hopes her boyfriend will respond positively to the news, some partners can become angry or violent. 

Your safety should be the number one priority. 

If you’re unsure how your boyfriend will react, make plans to share the news in a public place. Grab a coffee at your favorite local coffee shop or take a walk in a busy outdoor park. If you’re concerned they will react violently, contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you’re in more immediate danger, dial 9-1-1.

If you’re feeling unsafe about sharing the news with your family, ask a trusted friend to be with you for the conversation. 

Finding a Path Forward

You have an advocate in your corner already. At You Medical, you are our top priority. Our clinic offers no-cost care to help women struggling through an unintended pregnancy. 

Find answers to all your questions in a supportive, confidential environment. Appointments are available Monday-Friday by calling 509-491-1101 or you can text our after-hour helpline at 31313. 
Take a step and set your appointment for a better future today!

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