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Are you planning to have an abortion? Many women know they don’t want to be pregnant anymore but give little thought to how an abortion may impact their mental and physical health. 

Learning about the side effects of abortion can help you have a better recovery. Here’s a snapshot of what you might experience so you can be proactive in protecting your health. 

Abortion Side Effects

Abortion affects all women differently. Some women experience more physical side effects, while others may have more mental and emotional impacts. 

Physical Side Effects 

The range of physical side effects varies greatly and can include: 

  • Incomplete abortion
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection or sepsis
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort, nausea 
  • Damage to the womb 

Mental Health Side Effects 

It’s lesser known, but some women have reported significant mental health struggles following an abortion. These include: 

  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Shame
  • Remorse or regret
  • Loss of self-esteem or self-confidence
  • Feelings of isolation and loneliness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression or thoughts of suicide

Mental health side effects are more common among certain women. Some risk factors for experiencing mental health complications following an abortion include:

  • Women with a history of mental illness
  • Women with beliefs that oppose abortion
  • Women that feel pressured into an abortion, either by others or her circumstances
  • Women that want to be mothers

Find Care Here 

At You Medical, you are our first priority. We value your journey and provide free and low-cost services to support an unplanned pregnancy

If you have not yet had an ultrasound, we recommend scheduling one before you proceed with an abortion. Having an ultrasound prior to an abortion can better determine which type of abortion will be most effective and if one is still needed. 

Call the center Monday-Thursday at 509-491-1101 to set up your first appointment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Let’s set your future back on track together.

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