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Because it has often been misrepresented, this pregnancy option is sometimes overlooked. Adoption is a brave, selfless, and complex decision. Take a closer look at this beautiful option. It could be the answer to your situation.

What Is Adoption?

Adoption is the legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from birth parents (or guardians) to adoptive parents. It is a permanent choice for everyone.

A birth mother (and father, if available) should never pay for adoption services. In some cases, an expectant mother can even receive assistance for pregnancy-related services such as rent, medical expenses, and transportation during her pregnancy.

Types of Adoption

There are three primary adoption plans: open, semi-open, and closed. The amount of contact you wish to have with the adoptive parents and your child during and after the process determines which plan is right for you.

Open Adoption

With an open adoption plan, the birth mother (and father, if he wants to be involved) choose the potential adoptive couple. They view several bios with photos and information about each couple.

Once matched, you exchange identifying information such as full names, addresses, and phone numbers. You can meet and get to know one another before giving birth. Together, you decide the amount and type of contact you wish to have with each other.

Semi-Open Adoption

In semi-open adoptions, you choose the adoptive parents from different bios, but you only know one another by first names. A third party, such as your adoption agency coordinator or another adoption specialist, handles your contact with each other.

Closed Adoption

In a closed adoption plan, you won’t know or have contact with the adoptive parents. This option keeps your identity and theirs completely private. The courts seal the original birth certificate, and you have no further communication with each other.

Learning More About The Adoption Process

We can talk with you in greater detail about the individual counseling and other resources available as you consider adoption. We can also provide referrals to reputable adoption agencies in our area.

Adoption can be difficult, but sometimes the hardest decisions we make in life are the best ones we’ve ever made.

The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.

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Know my options.


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