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My Parents Are Pressuring Me to Get an Abortion

Having an abortion is a major physical and emotional medical decision. No one, including your parents, has the legal right to pressure you to choose this option. You need to decide what’s best for you. In some states, forcing a child to get an abortion is considered child abuse. However, if you still live at

woman pressured to have an abortion

My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have An Abortion But I’m Not Sure

Abortion is a major life event. You should never feel pressured into having an abortion out of fear or coercion. If your partner wants you to get an abortion but you are not sure, this article is for you.  You Have Rights Knowing your rights is critical when facing an unplanned pregnancy. As the one

pregnant woman who does not want another abortion

I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options? 

Women who have had an abortion in the past may desire another option when navigating another unintended pregnancy. If this is your experience, your feelings are valid.  Below you can explore alternatives to abortion and learn how to find support for a healthy pregnancy.  Parenting Parenting may not have been your first thought, but it

woman curious about when she should get an ultrasound

Why Should I Get An Ultrasound?

Pregnant women are encouraged to have an ultrasound as part of standard care, and for good reason. The information ultrasounds provide can keep women safe and help determine what pregnancy options are available. If you have recently received a positive pregnancy test, getting an ultrasound should be your next step—and here’s why.  What Is An

woman curious about what she needs to do if she is pregnant in college

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School? 

First, take a deep breath. You can do hard things! An unintended pregnancy can seem like the end of the world; especially if you’re still trying to finish high school. But take heart, you can handle this unexpected event with success. Just focus on one day at a time.  Below are tips on how to

pregnant woman curious about the medical abortion

What Is A Medical Abortion? 

For women seeking an abortion to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, understanding the different names of abortion procedures can be confusing. Today, we will discuss what a medical abortion is and the potential risks and side effects that come along with the procedure.  What Is A Medical Abortion? A medical abortion is another name for the

pregnant in college

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

From the classes to studying, to having a social life, college can be a wonderful season of growth but challenging at times. Add in an unintended pregnancy, and things can quickly feel overwhelming.  Here are a few helpful tips to make your unintended pregnancy a bit easier to manage while continuing your college career.  First,

pregnant woman with abusive partner

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner Is Abusive

Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse is never okay. If you are currently in an abusive relationship and are recently pregnant, it may be time to make an exit plan.  Pregnancy can often increase the intensity and occurrence of abusive behavior, as some partners can become angry, stressed, and even jealous over an unintended pregnancy.  Here’s

man with unplanned pregnant partner

What Can Guys Do with an Unexpected Pregnancy?

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be an uncertain time for everyone involved. Feeling overwhelmed and confused is normal if your partner has just shared the news that she’s pregnant.  But what is a guy’s role in an unexpected pregnancy? Below, you’ll find some helpful tips on successfully navigating this uncertain time with your partner.  Remain

pregnant woman curious about how pregnancy will affect her mentally

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Pregnancy brings on a lot of changes in a woman’s body. The physical changes aren’t too hard to see: weight gain, swollen ankles, that radiant glow everyone talks about. But did you know pregnancy can impact your emotions as well?  In fact, studies indicate that about 1 in 5 pregnant women meet the criteria for

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Know my options.


My Parents Are Pressuring Me to Get an Abortion

Having an abortion is a major physical and emotional medical decision. No one, including your parents, has the legal right to pressure you to choose this option. You need to decide what’s best for you. In some states, forcing a child to get an abortion is considered child abuse. However, if you still live at

Is Abortion Regret a Real Thing?

No one can predict how a woman will react after an abortion. The experience varies by woman, length of pregnancy, type of procedure, facility, whether or not she feels pressured, etc. Many different factors determine the overall emotional outcome.  One thing is certain–at least some women do feel sadness, grief, and anxiety because of their

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

If you have heard about the abortion pill, you are most likely aware that this form of abortion uses two drugs to end a pregnancy.  To receive the drugs before the pandemic, abortion providers required women to visit an abortion clinic. They were given a pregnancy test and an ultrasound to verify how far along