phn number

Four Things I Learned During My Pregnancy

1. You might not feel like yourself, but it doesn’t last forever!This surprised me. No one told me that I wouldn’t feel like my normal self. I mean, I knew about morning sickness, and those types of things, but this was totally foreign. I felt foreign to myself! If this is you, know that you’re

Fantasy vs. Reality

What an odd topic, am I right? Isn’t it pretty straight forward on what is fantasy and what is reality? When we were young, it was a little difficult to know what was real and what wasn’t. But we have come a long way, haven’t we? We make plans for the future, look into college

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Depending on the type of abortion, risks can vary. However, anyone contemplating abortion should discuss with their doctor risks that may include: This is not a comprehensive list, and only by seeing a professional and discussing your health history, current medications, the pregnancy’s gestational age, and other specific-to-you factors can you understand all your risks

Know my status.
Know my options.


What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

From the classes to studying, to having a social life, college can be a wonderful season of growth but challenging at times. Add in an unintended pregnancy, and things can quickly feel overwhelming.  Here are a few helpful tips to make your unintended pregnancy a bit easier to manage while continuing your college career.  First,

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner Is Abusive

Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse is never okay. If you are currently in an abusive relationship and are recently pregnant, it may be time to make an exit plan.  Pregnancy can often increase the intensity and occurrence of abusive behavior, as some partners can become angry, stressed, and even jealous over an unintended pregnancy.  Here’s

What Can Guys Do with an Unexpected Pregnancy?

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be an uncertain time for everyone involved. Feeling overwhelmed and confused is normal if your partner has just shared the news that she’s pregnant.  But what is a guy’s role in an unexpected pregnancy? Below, you’ll find some helpful tips on successfully navigating this uncertain time with your partner.  Remain