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Pregnant women are encouraged to have an ultrasound as part of standard care, and for good reason. The information ultrasounds provide can keep women safe and help determine what pregnancy options are available.

If you have recently received a positive pregnancy test, getting an ultrasound should be your next step—and here’s why. 

What Is An Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a medical tool that uses sound waves to create internal images of the body. This procedure is painless and very effective in diagnosing complications and revealing the exact age of a pregnancy. 

Most ultrasounds use a small wand that is guided over the lower abdomen; however, if a pregnancy is only 6-8 weeks, the wand may be gently inserted into the vagina to gain higher-quality images.

What Does An Ultrasound Reveal?

Ultrasounds are used to understand the gestation, viability, and location of a pregnancy. 


Gestation refers to how far along a pregnancy is or the pregnancy’s age. If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you might not know exactly when you conceived. Knowing exactly how old a pregnancy is can guide your pregnancy decision. (For example, the drugs involved in a medical abortion are only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is 10 weeks gestation or under.)


Did you know about 10-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage? Even if you had a positive pregnancy test, your pregnancy may have ended naturally. An ultrasound will reveal whether a pregnancy is still viable with a detectable heartbeat. 


It is important to know the location of a pregnancy to treat potential complications. An ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy implants outside of the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. 

Ectopic pregnancies can rupture and cause life-threatening bleeding if left undetected by ultrasound. 

Where Can I Get An Ultrasound In My Area? 

You Medical provides a safe space for women to receive prenatal and sexual health care. If you have had a positive pregnancy test, you can get a no-cost, limited OB ultrasound at our center. 

We encourage women to bring their partner or a friend to this appointment. Simply text 313131 to schedule a confidential appointment.

Your health and well-being is the highest priority. Get an ultrasound before making any pregnancy decision and protect your health.

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