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Wondering if you might be pregnant? If you’re sexually active and haven’t gone through menopause, there’s a chance you could be pregnant. 

Here are the most commonly reported signs of an early pregnancy to consider. 

Missed Period

Missing your period can indicate a potential pregnancy. But if you have irregular cycles, you may not actually be pregnant. Weight changes, stress, hormonal imbalances, and certain health conditions can also make you miss a period.

Swollen and Sore Breasts

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, pregnancy hormones are constantly rising, doubling about every 48 hours. With the sudden influx of these hormones, breast tissue can become sore or even sensitive to the touch. Breasts will also increase in size as a pregnancy continues to develop. 

Nausea or Vomiting 

Nausea with or without vomiting seems to go hand in hand with early pregnancy. Again, the steady rise of pregnancy hormones is the culprit for this unwanted symptom. Often referred to as morning sickness, early pregnancy nausea can occur at any time of the day or night. 

Some women may experience severe nausea and hyperemesis gravidarum, while others experience no sickness. 


Feeling more tired than usual or having less energy to do the things you enjoy is very common during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, starting a new job, staying up late, or being sick can also cause fatigue. 

Increased Urination

Another sign of early pregnancy is having to urinate more than usual. Pressure on the bladder from a growing uterus is one cause of increased urination. Another reason for needing to urinate more is due to the increased blood volume pregnant women experience. 

Next Steps

Understanding the signs and symptoms that point to pregnancy is important, but taking a pregnancy test is the only way to know if you’re pregnant. 

You Medical is here for you if you’re looking for local support. Our licensed medical staff offers no-cost and confidential pregnancy testing and limited ultrasounds for women with positive results. 

Experiencing an accidental pregnancy may seem overwhelming, but finding a safe place of support can ease the mental burden significantly. 

Simply text 313131 to schedule an appointment. Or you can make an appointment here. Create a plan today for a better tomorrow.

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