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Have you recently had unprotected (or even protected) sex, and now your period is late? If you are wondering if you are unexpectedly pregnant, come to You Medical for free pregnancy testing.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

A late period is usually the first sign of pregnancy, but your monthly cycle can change for other reasons. For instance, stress, hormone issues, rapidly gaining or losing weight, or certain medications can cause you to skip periods.

There are several other early signs of pregnancy. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Nausea, with or without vomiting
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue
  • Moodiness
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Light spotting

How Does A Pregnancy Test Work?

A woman’s body starts producing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) when she first becomes pregnant. This hormone is made right after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of a woman’s uterus.

A pregnancy test detects the hCG hormone in a woman’s blood or urine. At You Medical, we provide hCG urine pregnancy testing for free. It is possible to receive blood testing, but you must meet specific criteria beforehand.

What If I’ve Already Taken A Home Pregnancy Test?

Research has determined that up to 5 percent of pregnancy tests return results indicating a woman is not pregnant when, in reality, she is. And according to the Mayo Clinic, some home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others, determining when a woman should take them.

Get a second opinion to verify the effectiveness of your home pregnancy test. Our free tests are medical-grade and highly accurate. Plus, medical professionals provide all medical services, so you can be sure you’re taking the test correctly.

There Is A Possibility You May Not Be Pregnant

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. It takes time for your hormones to return to pre-pregnancy levels, so getting a positive pregnancy test result is possible even though you have already miscarried.

How do you tell if you have miscarried? Schedule a no-cost limited OB ultrasound at You Medical to verify your pregnancy. We can help you get the answers you need.

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