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Before you begin to think about your pregnancy options, confirm your pregnancy with free pregnancy testing and ultrasound at You Medical. Once you have verified you are pregnant, schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation and all of your available options.



Abortion is a serious medical decision with the potential for physical and emotional consequences. Before scheduling an abortion, learn about the procedures, side effects, and potential risks. We can give you the accurate information you need.



An option you may not have considered is placing your child for adoption. With an open adoption plan, you choose the adoptive parents after carefully reviewing potential adoptive couples. Find out about the different adoption plans, and how you can usually receive pregnancy-related support.



Many women question if they have the resources necessary to consider parenting their child. Learn more about the many resources we offer as well as the community assistance available to help you become the best parent possible.


Know my status.
Know my options.


My Parents Are Pressuring Me to Get an Abortion

Having an abortion is a major physical and emotional medical decision. No one, including your parents, has the legal right to pressure you to choose this option. You need to decide what’s best for you. In some states, forcing a child to get an abortion is considered child abuse. However, if you still live at

Is Abortion Regret a Real Thing?

No one can predict how a woman will react after an abortion. The experience varies by woman, length of pregnancy, type of procedure, facility, whether or not she feels pressured, etc. Many different factors determine the overall emotional outcome.  One thing is certain–at least some women do feel sadness, grief, and anxiety because of their

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

If you have heard about the abortion pill, you are most likely aware that this form of abortion uses two drugs to end a pregnancy.  To receive the drugs before the pandemic, abortion providers required women to visit an abortion clinic. They were given a pregnancy test and an ultrasound to verify how far along