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We offer pregnancy confirmation at our You Medical Mobile Unit! Coming to Pasco this summer.

Get the answers you need to confirm your pregnancy details and move forward with a pregnancy decision. You deserve the facts.

Here is more about our pregnancy services, provided at no cost to you and completely confidential.

Pregnancy Tests

According to the Mayo Clinic, some home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others, determining when a woman should take them.

Get a second opinion to verify the effectiveness of your home pregnancy test. Our free tests are medical-grade and highly accurate. Plus, medical professionals provide all medical services, so you can be sure you’re taking the test correctly.

Schedule a no-cost limited OB ultrasound at You Medical to verify your pregnancy. We can help you get the answers you need.

Free Ultrasounds

Our sonographer performs our no-cost limited OB ultrasounds by placing a gel on the outside of your abdomen. The sonographer then rubs a wand-like instrument called a transducer through the gel, which picks up the sound waves and translates them into images.

No-Cost/Low-Cost STD/STI Testing

At You Medical, we offer limited STD/STI testing and treatment. Receive treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea and a nurse consultation and follow-up at no charge. We can also provide PAP testing, if needed.

Next Steps

Once you’ve received a positive pregnancy test result from You Medical and had your limited ultrasound, a member of our compassionate staff will meet with you to discuss your options and offer support. We’re committed to providing you with everything you need to make an informed choice for your future.

All appointments are confidential and free of charge. We encourage you to bring your partner, a family member, or a trusted friend to your appointments.

You are our first priority at You Medical.

Know my status.
Know my options.


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