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With the overturning of Roe v. Wade as of June 2022, it can be confusing to keep up with abortion laws. What abortion restrictions are local to you and is abortion even legal at all? Here is what to know about abortion access in Washington so you can determine what options you have and take your next steps.

Abortion is legal with certain restrictions in Washington. If your pregnancy is past the age of viability, you cannot have an abortion. Viability is the stage of pregnancy when a fetus will most likely survive outside of the uterus. This usually happens around 24 weeks of pregnancy.

To determine how far along you are in your pregnancy, count the number of weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period.


If you are uncertain when you began your last menstrual period, visit You Medical for an ultrasound. An ultrasound reveals not only how far along you are in your pregnancy but also if your pregnancy is viable or if you have had a miscarriage. We also provide free pregnancy testing as we always recommend confirming your home pregnancy test results.

We can educate you more about your pregnancy and what options you have based on your ultrasound results. Protecting your health is our top priority. 


The exceptions are limited to obtaining an abortion after 24 weeks. Abortion is either necessary to save the mother’s life or to preserve the mother’s general health.

To learn more about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks, schedule an appointment with a client advocate here at You Medical. All appointments are free or low-cost and completely confidential. 

We are here to help. You are not alone as you navigate each step of your pregnancy journey.