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Women who have had an abortion in the past may desire another option when navigating another unintended pregnancy. If this is your experience, your feelings are valid. 

Below you can explore alternatives to abortion and learn how to find support for a healthy pregnancy. 


Parenting may not have been your first thought, but it is an alternative to a repeat abortion. Financial stress and generally feeling unequipped are common roadblocks women report when discussing the option of parenting. 

The good news is You Medical offers women resources at no cost to encourage successful parenting. These resources include referrals for affordable housing, medical care and food assistance. You Medical also partners with mothers to teach them the parenting skills needed to care for a child. 


For women who are not able to parent, adoption is another alternative to abortion. Adoption allows women to resume their lives as planned after the pregnancy has come to term. This may be a good option for women who are not able to provide financially for a child. 

Adoption is not a one-size-fits-all. Birth mothers have the option to choose from open, closed, or semi-open adoptions. Open adoptions allow birth mothers to remain in communication with their child and the adoptive family; birth mothers who choose an open adoption will be able to visit their child and be involved in the child’s life. 

Closed adoptions allow birth mothers to remain completely anonymous during the adoption process. Semi-open adoptions are less personal but still allow birth mothers to receive updates periodically about their child. 

Each option comes with its own pros and cons, but they put the birth mother in the driver’s seat of deciding what’s best for her situation. 

Making A Plan 

Walking through an unintended pregnancy can be challenging. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the options, talking through each scenario may help bring some clarity. 

At You Medical, women can schedule an appointment at no cost to speak with a friendly staff member about these options. Our clinic offers a confidential and respectful environment where women can feel safe asking questions and getting the answers they deserve. 

Schedule an appointment here or reach out to us through our helpline by texting 313131.

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Know my options.


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