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No one can predict how a woman will react after an abortion. The experience varies by woman, length of pregnancy, type of procedure, facility, whether or not she feels pressured, etc. Many different factors determine the overall emotional outcome. 

One thing is certain–at least some women do feel sadness, grief, and anxiety because of their abortions. Take a look at what some of the experts have to say.

Abortion and Mental Health

Most women report feeling relieved immediately following their abortions. However, some women begin feeling sad or guilty within weeks, months, or even years following their abortions. Who are those women who are affected negatively? Here’s what one report said:

  • Women who have had an abortion have more elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.
  • The abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women. 
  • There are risk factors, such as pre-existing mental illness, that identify women at greatest risk of mental health problems after an abortion.

Conducting research is difficult because there are so many varying factors. Women hesitate to talk about their abortions because of embarrassment or stigma from others.

How Will I Respond to an Abortion?

Only you and a healthcare professional can determine how you will respond. Experts recommend getting a thorough health check-up before an abortion, which includes your physical as well as mental health. 

Physically, finding out how far along you are in your pregnancy is critical. This information determines the type of abortion procedure you have. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs (known as the abortion pill method) through 10 weeks of pregnancy only. 

Whether the abortion drugs are an option for you is determined by the following:

  • How far along you are in your pregnancy
  • If you are allergic to the drugs
  • Whether or not you have an ectopic pregnancy (forming outside the uterus)
  • If you have an IUD in place
  • If you use any type of steroids for inflammation
  • If you have a blood-clotting disorder
  • If you don’t have access to emergency care

Your overall mental health could determine your emotional response to an abortion. Are you currently struggling with anxiety or depression? Do your friends and/or family members support your decision? Do you feel pressured by anyone to get an abortion? The answer to these questions and others could determine how you would emotionally respond.

How Can You Medical Help Me?

You Medical offers limited OB ultrasounds after a positive pregnancy test result at our clinic. All of our services are provided at no cost. An ultrasound is the easiest way to determine how far along you are, which is valuable physical information.

We can also discuss your current situation and all the options available. You are never alone when you come to You Medical; we work closely with you. 

Conveniently request an appointment online or call (509) 491-1101. We’re here for you.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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