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Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse is never okay. If you are currently in an abusive relationship and are recently pregnant, it may be time to make an exit plan. 

Pregnancy can often increase the intensity and occurrence of abusive behavior, as some partners can become angry, stressed, and even jealous over an unintended pregnancy. 

Here’s what you should know about how an abusive partner can impact pregnancy. 

Abuse Can Get Worse During Pregnancy

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, more than 320,000 women are abused by their partners during pregnancy each year. It is also estimated that 1 in 6 women experience their first episode of abuse during pregnancy. 

Because of these statistics, it’s important to take extra precautions if you are still living with an abusive partner during pregnancy. 

You deserve to feel safe. Local centers are available for you to find protection and safe lodging should you choose to leave your abusive situation. 

Should I Tell My Partner I’m Pregnant? 

Sharing the news of pregnancy is usually a joyous occasion. But for women trapped in abusive relationships, the thought of telling their partner about the pregnancy can be terrifying. How will my partner react? Will they be mad or violent? 

If you do plan on sharing your pregnancy news, you should consider:

  • Choosing a public place to share the news, such as a crowded park or coffee shop
  • Bringing a friend with you for the conversation
  • Be sure you’ve confirmed your partner is actually the father through testing

Remember, you are not obligated to share your pregnancy news with your partner. The decision on how to move ahead with your pregnancy is completely up to you. 

Find a Secure Environment

If you ever feel that your life or the life of your baby is in danger, call 911. The National Domestic Violence hotline is another resource available 24/7 you can call for support.

Here to Help 

You Medical is also available to help you navigate your pregnancy. Our friendly staff can help connect you to local resources that will show you how to create an exit plan for your abusive situation. 

Your safety and the safety of your unborn child are the highest priority. Call our office at 1-800-712-4357 when you’re ready to take the next step.

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