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Make an Appointment

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You have a right to accurate information from a clinic that will not profit from your choices. We are committed to providing you with everything you need to make an informed decision about your health.

We request a photo ID and ask you to complete a form with some basic information. Your appointment will take approximately one hour, and we encourage you to bring your partner, a family member, or a trusted friend with you.

An unplanned pregnancy is an overwhelming and even frightening situation. Understandably, you may be wondering what to do. Our medical professionals will verify your pregnancy, discuss your situation, and help you understand all of your options. Only you know what is best for you and your future.

The medical staff at You Medical can provide you with the most accurate information about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. We do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only.

A late period is usually the first sign of pregnancy, but your monthly cycle can change for other reasons too. If your periods are generally regular (every 28 to 30 days), we suggest waiting until a couple of days after your missed period before testing. If your cycle is irregular, wait a few extra days. The longer you wait, the more accurate your test results might be.

A positive pregnancy test only indicates the possibility of pregnancy. You can get a positive test result even if you've recently miscarried. Research says up to 26% of pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. An ultrasound confirms if your pregnancy is viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat) or if you've had a miscarriage.

Anyone who is sexually active has the potential to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Often STDs or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) don't have immediate symptoms. As a result, people don't get tested as regularly as they should. Without treatment, an STD can lead to serious health problems later on.

Know my status.
Know my options.


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