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First, take a deep breath. You can do hard things! An unintended pregnancy can seem like the end of the world; especially if you’re still trying to finish high school. But take heart, you can handle this unexpected event with success. Just focus on one day at a time. 

Below are tips on how to advocate for your health and regain control over the future. 

Get An Ultrasound

If you received a positive pregnancy test, getting an ultrasound is the next step. An ultrasound will verify if your pregnancy is viable and where it is located.

About 10-20% of all pregnancies will end in miscarriage. So it’s important to know if your pregnancy is still growing before pursuing your options. 

Having an ultrasound will also reveal the exact location of your pregnancy. If the pregnancy is growing outside of the uterus, this is known as an ectopic pregnancy. If you do have an ectopic pregnancy, it will need to be removed promptly for your safety. 

Explore Your Options

If you have verified your pregnancy through ultrasound, exploring your options is next. The three options to explore are abortion, adoption, and parenting. If you would like to speak with someone about these options, You Medical is a safe place to learn. 

Remember, you alone make the decision regarding how to move forward with your pregnancy. Don’t allow a friend, partner, or family member to persuade you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. 

Your Choice Today Affects Your Tomorrow

It’s easy to get locked into the present when dealing when pregnant in high school. But before you decide what option is best for you, remember that high school is only four years—the choice you make regarding your pregnancy will last your entire life. 

Finding Care 

We understand that finding confidential care is important during an unintended pregnancy. You Medical can offer you an appointment where a nurse will assess your health and the health of your pregnancy. We can also offer a limited OB ultrasound and limited STD testing at no cost.

Contact us now. At You Medical, you are always our first priority, and your well-being matters to us.

Know my status.
Know my options.


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